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CLM History

In the early 1970’s, a number of child welfare provider agencies who were members of the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) came together to form a voluntary statewide network in Massachusetts: The MA Child Welfare League of America Executives Group. During the more than 30 years since then, the organization has evolved in its structure and strategic purpose. Agencies joined because of opportunities to network with others involved in the field of child welfare, to share information, and to jointly advocate for public policies – many of the same reasons why organizations are members today.

In 1988, the League developed a dues structure and hired its first staff person. In 1995, the MA Child Welfare League of America Executives Group was incorporated as the Children’s League of Massachusetts. It was established as a 501c(4) organization, allowing it to undertake unlimited advocacy efforts. Its membership was its board, and included both private and public agencies. Although membership in CWLA was urged, it was no longer a requirement for belonging to the Children’s League of Massachusetts.

In 2002, the League undertook a strategic plan that resulted in the expansion of its membership to include family, consumer and faith-based organizations with compatible missions. Four years later, in an effort to increase efficacy, the board began adding staff to the organization, first with a part-time Executive Assistant, and a short time later, a consultant to staff the Policy/Advocacy Committee and our Legislative Committee. By 2011, the board agreed that staffing capacity was at the forefront of their advocacy goals, especially in the face of lingering economic difficulties for families and children, and expanded the staff to include an Associate Director.

In 2015 CLM celebrated its 20th birthday, and celebrated with increased membership. By 2016, the membership initiative had successfully added over 30 members in a 3-year period. CLM reorganized the staff structure to include a Director of Public Policy, an Operations Specialist, and a Communications and Policy Specialist in addition to the Executive Director. CLM's work is carried out in partnership with members through task forces, coalitions, and partnerships.

Recent Annual Reports

FY2024 Annual Report

FY2023 Annual Report

FY2022 Annual Report

FY2021 Annual Report

FY2020 Annual Report

FY2019 Annual Report

FY2018 Annual Report

Chairpersons of the Children's League Board of Directors

2024-presentDaurice Cox, Psy.D., CAS, President & CEO, Bay State Community Services
2021-2023Shaheer Mustafa, President & CEO, HopeWell
2019-2021Anne Sampaio, LICSW, Director, Child and Family Services, Inc.
2017-2019Matthew Stone, Executive Director, Youth Villages
2015-2016Carla Saccone, President & CEO, Children's Friend and Family Services
2013-2014Maria Mossaides, Executive Director, Cambridge Family and Children's Services
2012-2013Eric Masi, Executive Director, Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
2010-2012Tim Callahan, Executive Director, Brandon School & Residential Treatment Center
2008-2010Sue Todd, President & CEO, Pathways for Children
2006-2008Marylou Sudders, President & CEO, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
2004-2006Steve McCafferty, Executive Director, The Children's Study Home
2002-2004Dave Manzo, President & CEO, COMPASS
2000-2002Susan Wayne, President, Justice Resource Institute
1998-2000Betsy Loughran, President & CEO, Center for Human Development
1996-1998William Lyttle, President, Key Program, Inc.
1994-1996Joe Leavey, Executive Director, Communities for People
1988-1994John R. Jackson, Executive Director, New Bedford Child & Family Services
1986-1988Gerald L. Malouin, President, Providence Children's Center
1984-1986James L. Bell, Executive Director, Springfield Day Nursery
1982-1984Clifford W. Falby, Executive Director, New England Home for Little Wanderers
1979-1982Richard J. Bond, Executive Director, Boston Children's Services Association
1977-1979Peter E. Reinhold, Executive Director, North Shore Children's Friend and Family Society
1975-1977John E. McManus, Executive Director, Mass. Council on Human Service Providers
1972-1975Jean B. Gresheimer, Executive Director, Worcester Children's Friend Society

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