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Our Partners

CLM has many friends and partners, with whom we often work to achieve public policy victories.

News Spotlight

2022 Kids Count Report Highlights Highs and Lows for Massachusetts Children

The newest edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT® Data Book illustrates that while Massachusetts leads the nation in rankings of overall child well-being, the Commonwealth struggles to address inequities between families and children of color and their white peers. This year’s KIDS COUNT publication continues to present national and state data across four domains — […]
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Data on kids show that racial disparities persist

Report discusses the cost of inadequate child care

A new report from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation unpacks the costs to our economy when workers lack access to child care, including lost wages totaling $1.7 billion. The report includes data on parents reducing working hours or leaving their jobs to care for their young children, presents trends on the growing costs of child care, […]
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Partners in Advocacy

Our coalition work is centered around the concerns of our membership and issues that are in the best interest of the Commonwealth’s children and families. We’re very proud of these relationships and are always interested in joining forces with other, similar organizations to achieve success.

Children's Health Access Coalition

The Children’s Health Access Coalition (CHAC) is a coalition of providers, community organizations, child advocates, and other stakeholders committed to ensuring that all children in Massachusetts have access to and receive age-appropriate, comprehensive, and affordable health care services throughout childhood, from prenatal to adolescent and early adult years.
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Children's Mental Health Campaign

The Children’s Mental Health Campaign (CMHC) is a statewide network that advocates for policy, systems, and practice solutions and shared responsibility among government and institutions to ensure that all children in Massachusetts have access to resources to prevent, diagnose, and treat behavioral health issues in a timely, effective, and compassionate way.
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Citizens for Juvenile Justice

Citizens for Juvenile Justice (CfJJ) advocates for statewide systemic reform to achieve equitable youth justice.
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Lift Our Kids Coalition

Lift Our Kids is a Coalition of more than 150 Massachusetts organizations dedicated to improving policies that harm the Commonwealth’s lowest income children.
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Massachusetts Kids Count Advisory Council

MassBudget is home to KIDS COUNT in Massachusetts, a national and state-by-state effort funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track and improve the well-being of children across the United States. With these data, state organizations provide policy analysis based on evidence and shine a spotlight on pressing issues in order improve programs and policies for children and families.
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The Caring Force

The Caring Force is the grassroots advocacy initiative of the Providers' Council. The Caring Force seeks to empower those who care about the human services sector to advance an agenda that creates an environment in Massachusetts that protects our most vulnerable neighbors and creates a stronger economy with the pay, recognition, and respect our workers deserve.
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