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RESOURCE: Engage with Legislative Candidates to Prepare for Election Season

August 19, 2024
Election season is upon us!

The representatives we elect will play a crucial role in shaping the policies and services that support child and family well-being in our communities. To find your district's upcoming election information, view a sample ballot, and/or check your polling place, click here.

To aid our collective efforts in engaging, informing, and evaluating candidates, CLM developed the following resources:

If there are any elections you think CLM should be aware of, contact CLM's Director of Public Policy at sue@childrensleague.org.

Youth Justice Voter Guides

In partnership with Citizens for Juvenile Justice, we developed a county-level 2024 Youth Justice Voter Guide in time for this year's Primary and General Elections. The 2024 voter guides highlight the role that this election has in advancing a vision for a more fair and equitable legal system.

Thank you to our additional project partners Boston Bar AssociationMA Coalition to Prevent Gun ViolenceMore Than Words and Strategies for Youth 

Thank you for your continued commitment to advocacy!

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